Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Experience from GK3 in Malaysia

I went to Malaysia for attending one week conference of the 3th Global Knowledge (GK3). I enjoyed with conference because I can get some ideas like telecenter, e-Turkturk, community radio… which we can apply to i-REACH. I was happy to meet with Mr. Huor, Brian, Zarah, Sean, Maria and Dimanche for discussing the project plan and it has kept telling me that i-REACH is a research project, so everything that related to the project THE TEAM HAS TO RECORD/DOCUMENTATION.

When I came back I was afraid at the airport/in the plane because I did not want something wrong was happen to me/all passengers because I going to marry with Dary soon (24 Dec.2007). But now it is fine. Hope to see you all at my wedding.

Best regards,

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

New experience with our daily broadcasting

Hi everybody in this blog. How are you doing? Now i am starting to be better for my health after i was absent work for a last couple of week. After back from sick leave i dreamed new initiative idea for being active in audio broadcasting. Oh sorry i am jocking. I would like to share our experienced in audio broadcasting in Kep pilot area.

With a beautiful song through loud speaker that we installed in front of the office of Damnak Chang Oeur district, you will hear a sound of a man shouting the program ''Samleng Sahakum Krung Kep'' means Voice of Kep Community. After that presenter say hello to the audience who are listening to the program. This is the program which we are trying to inform our audience in Kep to aware and get daily information.

While we do not have an own station to broadcast the program, it of course is difficult to inform to the audience. Eventhough, we are broadcasting by loud speaker 2 times a week in a pagoda, village, and cafe shop but it is suitable only the topic like feature and it could not for a hot news.

For a new idea but it is not too technical is install the loud speaker system in the office, which include loud speaker, microphone, amplify, and computer with using a program cool edit pro or audacity, and allow us to broadcast daily information to the audience.

The question is that what topic should be broadcast? and where can we get it when we don't produce on time? It exactly get from a newspaper and download from VOA and RFA and some topic we produce by the team. For instance, in the morning we gather information in the target area then write it and in the afternoon we broadcast it. For the topic we broadcast related to health, agriculture, education, and general issues.

How do we do?

First we play the music to attract their attention then play the main sound of the program or OBB call Voice of Kep Community. Then presenter say hello to the audience with announce a topic we are going to broadcast and get it from, then play a song for 10 seconds after that reporter report their news, sometime are getting from newspaper, and then play the topic that we download from the VOA and RFA. In the end of the program the presenter say now it is time to say good bye and thank you for your attention to our program today and will see you again on tomorrow at the same time then play the music, finish. Three or four topic a day is enough.

This is not too technical and allow us to broadcast a daily program to our audience in Kep. They hear our program everyday.

This is a new idea that we have done. You will learn more, if you visit our work here again.

We are welcome to see you and tell you briefly.
With best regards,
Bunthouern, Kep MC

Monday, December 3, 2007

November 07 Report

Monthly Report of November 2007

I. General Information
Project title: Informatics for Rural Empowerment and Community Health (i.REACH)
Funded by: International Development Research Center (IDRC)
Executive Agency: Ministry of Commerce (MoC)
Implementing Agency: Maharishi Vedic University (MVU)
Project Duration: August 17, 2006 to April 2009
Prepared by: Long Dimanche
Date of Report: November 30, 2007
II. Summary
According to the master plan from project meeting in KEP, our KCM staff committed to perform all their best to reach the milestone of the project. This month we do not have MC to coordinate the multimedia work, so the CDs try to work by themselves with support from the PC. Within the good team work KCM pilot achieved some of activities such as: In term of multimedia production we had completed 4 audio productions (Domestic Violence, Seasonal influenza, Brown Plant Hopper and Pregnancy Health Care) and recorded into cassette for disseminate to pagoda. An audio production on Composting was produced and waiting for other two audio productions (New Traffic Law and Typhoid Fever) to record to cassette. Beside of these, the CDs also wrote up a new script on Chicken Raising and preparing to make an audio. Most of the minute of project meeting and Management Committee meeting is produced. This month the RC and CDs conducted the survey on feedback of community on broadcasting in pagoda and the report of this survey is still in developing. Three i.REACH notes (Composting, Soil use and Harvesting & Storage rice) produced but still not yet publish. By the way, the infrastructure of KCM pilot is mostly completed installation. The Solar power was installed at all hubs and the internet connectivity hope to complete on December 1st, 2007. In term of Connectivity in HQ we use AP 523c with Omni and P2P 2218 at Hubs.
III. Detail Activities and Results:
Infrastructure: On November 13, 07 the people from KC Solar Company arrived KCM pilot site to install the Solar Power in left 6 hubs such as: Pong Ro hub, Chamkar Check 1 hub, Prey Thom hub, Kum Num hub, Prey Plorng hub and Beuk Touk hub. Five sets of Solar Power installed by KC Solar Company and the other one is the Solar Power that used as temporary in Headquarter. This Solar Power is moved by KC Solar people to install at Beuk Touk hubs in Smaong Cheung Commune. Up to the present, the power for support to the project is already in-place, in HQ have 2KVA, 8 hubs with 220Wp and Only one hub with 150Wp (the one which moved from HQ to hub). For connectivity in KCM, right now, we can say that all locations is accessible, this work have been done by Gateway technicians. On November 29, 2007 Gateway technician started their work at HQ first, before they installed Trango but now the installation at HQ is AP 523c with Omni. With this, they installed P2P 2218 to get the signal from HQ at 6 hubs. Those are Pong Ro, Chamkar Check 1, Prey Thom, Kum Num, Prey Plorng and Beuk Touk hub. Beside of the installation of this connectivity KCM Technical Supporter worked closely with Gateway technician in managing of the whole network. As the result, Gateway Technician suggested to our TS to remove the previous system with the new system which secure and easy to manage because now the connection is possible at all location. So in term of infrastructure, I would say that, mostly of the system is completed.
Research Activity: this month the project staffs conducted a survey on audio broadcasting through pagoda in arming to get feedback and find out the additional methodology in disseminate the information to reach the Community. This survey was conducted on November 7, 2007 at 11 areas surrounding the pagoda which received cassette from project. 110 samples were selected for the interview; this amount was divided by 10 samples for each location and the report of this survey is still in developing. The i.REACH note (leaflet) is another way in disseminating the information to community and this has been wrote up by RC in October 07 on Composting. Up to the end of November 07, the i.REACH note is developed three topics (composting, soil use in Cambodia and harvesting & storage method). But unfortunately, these notes not yet published because it still revise and edit for the final version by RC. For the process of Needs Assessment and Management Committee Election is still in progress, these works have been done and responsible by RC with assisting from CDs. Beside of these, the RC was dispatched to Prey Veng Province and Phnom Penh city aimed in building relationship with the other NGOs, Institution and Government Department (Provincial Department of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Extension, CARDI and VSF). He came back with the good result and also gets some books for the reference in developing the contents.
Content Development: November is the month that all Content Developers produce media without Multimedia Coordinator because the MC was resigned since the end of October. With strong commitment of CDs in their work 5 audio productions were produced those are Brown Plant Hopper, Seasonal Influenza, Domestic Violence, Pregnancy Health Care and Composting. Among these 5, except only composting audio that not yet recorded into cassette for broadcast because we need to record three audio in one cassette, so it’s waiting for the other two audios which is finalizing (New Traffic Law of Cambodia and typhoid Fever). A script on Chicken Raising also wrote up and for all scripts was comment and edited by PC, PC also assisting in comment on the audio production before recorded into cassette. Based on my observation, the CDs, right now, developed their skill in writing script and producing audio by themselves but they still need to train on some more technical term to produce their products in a high quality.
Service Accessing and ICTs Training for Community: in the end of November, there are 87 students were trained on computer literature and 221students were instructed on Internet Using. Due to this is the new initiating for the community, the accessing/using the services is still in low condition. But even though we found that there are some businessmen come to use project service in finding the information on exchange rate. Other users come to find the information from website and contact to their friend and relative, those users mostly are student and teacher. As the result, project earned 22 000 Riel from services providing to clients both in HQ and hubs. This month the member of Management Committee tried to in Skype from hub to HQ as their first time and they were happy because they can see each other with project staff.
Project Staff Meeting: in arming to build team work and following up the daily work of project, in every two week on Friday all staff come and sit together to share and discus about the result, difficulty and find way to solve the difficulty or any problems if have. For the first meeting on November 15, 07 KCM staff conducted the first meeting presided by Mr. Chea Sokhuor the Project Manager of i.REACH from Phnom Penh city. During the meeting the project staff reported the result that have been done by their own to the PM and the PM also give some comment to all staff in aim to implement their own works with successfully. Regarding to the management system and the information flow of the project, PM also introduced his experiences in working with many firm both in Cambodia and Oversee for all staffs to keep the quality of work and flowing information smoothly. On November 30, 2007 the project conducted the second meeting to sum up the results that have been done by all staff which presided by the MVU Project Director. During the meeting beside of presenting the result project activity, MVU Project Director Mr. Pin Vannaro also mentioned about the work performance and the evaluation of all staffs in the end of October, 2007.
Attending meeting and Workshop: On November 12, 2007 I attended in the meeting with the Resources Person of IDRC from Canada at Seim Reap. In the meeting we have three presentations One by i.REACH presented by both PCs and RM, One by PAN Localization presented by Mr. Chea Sokhuor and the last One by APSARA Authority. On November 16, 2007 the i.REACH project get a high honor to facilitate a workshop on Unicode and Its application to the students of MVU in both faculties. This workshop presided by Project Manager of PAN Localization. This workshop was separated into 2 groups one in the morning and other in the afternoon, and attended by more than 300 students of MVU. Based on my observation, this workshop was very satisfactory and useful for the students and the student also express their proud our own Khmer script in computer, and they very happy with the result of PAN Localization.
IV. Conclusion:
In short, for the whole month of November 2007, all of project staff in KCM pilot performed their best in implementing to achieve the plan. Even though this month Cambodian people have some national holidays such as Independence Day from the colony of France and water festival day but we still can completed the plan that was submitted. In general, we can say that with the close cooperation of all project staff and also the strong support from the central our activities plan was achieved 90% because it still has some report and process that not yet completed. The left few activity shall be completed at the beginning of December, 2007.

Best Regards,

Dimanche Long

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Fourth Week Journal

The Fourth Week Report

In the fourth week of November, 2007 the KCM pilot completed some activities as below:

Infrastructure: this week the person from Gateway Company came to install the left Hub such as: Prey Thom, Kum Num, Prey Plorng, Beuk Touk, Pong Ro and Chamkar Check 1. For this installation the Gateway technician installed AP 523c and Omni in the HQ and in Hub they use P2P 2218 to get the signal. To make this work run smoothly and easy for KCM pilot to manage all network, the Technical Supporter were delegated to work closely with them. As the result from this cooperation the TS mentioned that we need to re-arrange our network because Gateway changed equipments so the best way in controlling, managing and make it more secure the whole network have to be replaced. This work will be done by KCM TS in next week.

Audio Production: Referring to the plan, multimedia team have to finish 6 audio productions for broadcast in Pagoda and write new three scripts. As the result of their performance, the multimedia finished 6 audio productions and among those there three audio productions (seasonal influenza, brown plant hopper and domestic violence) were distributed to pagoda. The other three audio productions (Composting, New traffic Law and but typhoid is still in finalizing) just finished in this week and recorded in cassette but not yet distribute to pagoda. The script on chicken raising among of three scripts in planning was finalized.

Research Activity: for the research division, this week is busiest in preparing the report of the survey on feedback of pagoda broadcasting. Within this work one of three CDs involved to analyses and makes the report, this report is still in editing by RC and hopefully to finalize by next Monday.

Project Staff Meeting: this week is the second meeting of KCM staff meeting and this is the first time that all CFs attended in the meeting. The meeting was discussed on the result of the activities of the project both in HQ and Hubs. For the result of the HQ as mentioned above, based on the report of CFs, in the three hubs that have been running there are businessmen come to the hub and search for the currency exchange rate and access to other website especially website.

With my best regards,

Dimanche Long

Friday, November 23, 2007

Third Week of November 07 Journal

The Third Week Report:

For the third week of November 2007, we are all in KCM performed our own activities regarding to the plan. As Mr. Neth Sovann the Multimedia Coordinator resigned from project at the end of October, 2007, the CDs is lacking of the supervisor on their script writing and also sound editing. So this week I spent some of my time to assist them in editing scripts and comment on audio production; up to the end of the week 3 topics of audio production were produced. Those are Domestic Violence, Seasonal Influenza and Home Composting, based on my observation, the CDs improved their skills in writing script but eventhough they still need some supervision to make their script better enough. These scripts produced according to the result of needs assessment and baseline survey, also based on commenting of health key person in the community. But unfortunately, these products not yet convert to the cassette for distribute to Pagoda because it take long time to recording into cassette. The pagodas that have to distribute to broadcast are 11 so it’s taking at least 2 days so that why they can not distribute to pagoda.

The Research Coordinator was dispatch to Phnom Penh and Prey Veng to contact with project boundary partners like the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Department of Extension of Ministry of Agriculture, CARDI (Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute) and also with VSF organization. The mission of the RC is to build collaboration between the projects with those partners and to ask some technical books and leaflet or magazine for the reference book for content development.

Beside to these, I spent my time to look at the CV of candidates for the position of Community Facilitator (CF), as result we get 6 candidates who fit to the need of the project. In fact, all CFs were recruited since the end of 2006, but because of the delaying of the employment some of recruited CFs have other job to do and some endeavors their study. Up to present the project have 6 CFs which 4 already employed and other 2 not yet, so to fill all the Hubs the project need 4 more CFs to fill in the spare places. Hopefully all CFs will be employed to work at the beginning of December, 2007.

With my best Regards,
Dimanche Long

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Second Week Journal of November 2007

Dear colleagues,

How are you? Hope you are all doing well!
First of all I would like to express my apologies for being late in posting here. Here now, is an update on the activities over here in Kamchai Mear Pilot Area. As usual, we welcome your comments or questions. Please read on:

During this week, I spent most of my time attending meetings, supervising the decoration/arrangement of things at the HQ, and facilitating the installation of solar panels in the village hubs. With the recent departure of our Multi-media Coordinator Neth Sovann, I also took over his responsibility of supervising the production of audio materials with the Local Content Developers. This is quite a big challenge on my part, not to mention the other challenge is to find suitable person to take on the Multi-media Coordinator position. This means that we have to advertise again on the paper and do the rounds of interviewing again. We will see how it goes in the coming days.

I was also in Siem Reap over the weekend (Nov 10-12) and stayed at the Sokha Angkor Hotel together with the Project Manager, Research Manager and the Kep Pilot Coordinator. We joined the Resources Branch Management and Regional Controllers Meeting with IDRC's top level directors and the four of us delivered presentations on the iREACH and PAN Projects in Cambodia. Maria Ng and Richard Fuchs were also there and we had a short but very meaningful informal meeting with them. They both talked about how iREACH could be taken into the next level and how the staff should be prepared for the future.

The Project Manager visited us just in time for our weekly meeting on Nov. 15. This time, the Project Manager presided the meeting. He started by asking about the performance of each staff, giving comments and feedback as each took turns in updating him. One of the things that was given emphasis, for the nth time, is the organizational structure of the project. This is to make them staff understand very well the chain of command for smooth working relations as well as to ensure commitment from each staff to deliver quality performance. The Project Manager shared some of his experience in the USA and in Cambodia in order to give an example to us on how important it is to keep good working relationship. It has been a problem on my part since there are some staff who pushes someone else in order to do something when in fact, I was the one that needs to be informed or talked to. This is frustrating on my part as I try my best keep the activities going and the staff relationships smooth-sailing. However, I could not handle this person as he is close to someone higher than me.The Project Manager also asked the project staff to make way in understanding the project infrastructure because all staff need to know and be aware of it. iREACH is considered a failure if the staff don't know how the infrastructure works at all.

As mentioned earlier, I was facilitating the installation of solar panels to six other village hubs. I worked closely with the technician of KC Company to install the solar panels in the following village hubs: Prey Thom Hub, Kum Num hub, Prey Plorng Hub, Pong Ror Hub and Chamkar Check Hub. The technicians also helped us move the temporary solar panel installed in the HQ to Beuk Touk Hub. I also managed to complete the wirings for the electricity at the HQ that will allow the staff to work even at night.

With the Multi-media Coordinator gone, I supervised Multimedia Team in producing audio materials. We were able to complete three scripts and at present the voice overs are now being recorded and will be edited soon.

In preparation for the Project Manager's presentation on Khmer Script in Computer to MVU students, I organized the venue and handled the logistics. More than three hundred students of MVU from both the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Management attended the activity. The presentations were divided into two groups, one in the morning from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM and other one in the afternoon from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Based on my observation, I found that the students were very interested at this new knowledge and very much prefer to get this application. This is the first time that they had seen the correct usage of Khmer Script in Computer, which is a big issue for them before. This presentation also gave satisfaction to the Rector of Maharishi Vedic University because of the benefits that the students can get from it. With this application, the students will be able to type the correct spelling of Khmer words.

So these are all the things that transpired in the past week. I will come back for next week's update.

With my best regards,
Dimanche Long

Friday, November 16, 2007

Just for your information first!!!!!!!

Dear all,

How are you? This is just shows you the update from Kep. I will schedule my time to write what I have observed latter.
1.Today, Solar Company is setting up solar power at the two rest locations (Prey Ta Koy and Chamkarbie). If so, community in Kep will have the solar power at 8 locations such Angkoal, Wath Phnom Leav, Am Peng, Toul Sa Ngam, Wath Phnom Sor Sir, Sala Chak Rya Vong, Prey Ta Koy and Chamkar Bie.

2.Can access to the internet at, HQ, Angokal, Wath Phnom Leav, Wath Chak Rya Vong, Ampeng and Waht Phnom Sor Sir

3.The 18m towers were set up at all 9 hubs

4.There are 80 youth and students are provided on Computer basic learning including email and internet.

5.Today, Multimedia team is recording 9 audio materials including Khan Damnak Chang Eur after civil war, health and most of topic about agriculture. One video script was finished but yet shooting

6.Management Committee are monitoring of how the hub working.

7.We are living the Morning News from HQ through loudspeaker
8.Set up sign/banners at existing site- (HQ, Angkoal, Am Peng, Phnom Leave, What Chak Rya Vong)
9.Research on how the hub is worked.
Best regards,Sokleap

Friday, November 2, 2007

Seng Dara Profile

Mr. Seng Dara has graduated with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration in 2004 from the National University of Management (NUM) where he majored in Management Information System. After graduation, he spent two years with the NGO Working Groups for Weapon Reductions (WGWR). In his first year there, he was Research assistant in Small Arms and Light Weapons Policy Development (SALW) Project and later on as Program Assistant of the Community Security (CS) Project.
In May 2007, he joined the Center for Social Development as Research Coordinator of iREACH Project in Kep Pilot.

Friday, October 26, 2007


hello this is my first post

Friday, October 5, 2007

Sokleap's profile

HAK Sokleap is the Pilot Coordinator of Informatics for Rural Empowerment and Community Health (i-REACH) Pilot Project based in Kep Municipality. Sokleap is responsible for the overall management of the iREACH Project in Kep Pilot Area in providing new technology to local community and empowering them to manage the pilot project when it will be phased out.

Sokleap joined CSD as Kep Multimedia Coordinator in January 2007. He was promoted as Kep Pilot Coordinator and joined as a senior staff and member of the Management Committee of CSD in August 2007 bringing with him his knowledge and experience for almost seven years from works with other local non-governmental organization (NGOs). He has extensive background in environmental and social issues. Sokleap is the author of a book entitled Environmental, Social and Economic Impact Assessment of Fastwood Plantations in Cambodia, first published in December 2005.

Sokleap was born in Preah Prasop village, Preah Prasop commune, Ksachkandal district, Kandal province where he lived for 17 years where he experienced rural Cambodia. He moved to Phnom Penh in 1998 to study toward a bachelor degree in “Tourism Management”. He completed the associated degree of “The Base of Journalism” while he was running a project called Environmental Radio and Advocacy Program. Sokleap has attended trainings, workshops and meetings in several countries, including Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia and Sweden.

First week resuls of KCM Multimedia Team

Hello from Multimedia Team, Kcm Pilot Project!

These are the results of the activities have been done for the first week of October 2007:

1. Guide line preparation: 3 guide lines (on topics of Brown plan hopper of Agriculture of my community Program, Pregnancy health care of My health My community Program, and Encouraging on School registration in community of Community and Education Program) were adapted in Khmer and English versions.

2. Script writing: Three script writing for three topics were already written in Khmer version and looking forward to seeing all comments and ideas from the project staff, but for the script on topic of Brown plan hopper is being recorded at the end of this week if available pagoda. More over, we had summarized translation on topic of Dengue fever as an English version.

3. Editing and Re-Editing audio: First version of Water sanitation was finished. Due to suggestion/ comment from project staff to replace the song of the girl in community by the public song, so we agreed to edit as a second version of this audio. Now it is finalized already. For other three audios all information/sound related to each topic (community voices, experts voices, music, information/sound recorded from VOA, RFA) were already edited and waiting for mix together with the host's sound.

4. Tap recording and distributing: Seven tapes with Water sanitation topic were recorded and distributed to five pagodas namely: Cho, Tamenh, Toul Roveang, Kamchay Mear, Smong, Keo thom and Prey Thom.

Some difficulties:
1.Difficult and take time to collect information from communities, because they shied to talk and have limited knowledge.
2.Take time for make an appointment with the experts, they are busy with their plans/works.
3.Recorded sounds are noisy with wind and other outside environments.
4.Raining all days, so we could not make voice record on time as planned.
5.Spent much time to reach the pagodas for distributing audio tapes, because of raining and bumping roads.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

September Monthly Report

It's the end of the month again and here I am with the progress report for the month of September. This report covers the activities implemented within the month of September.

As a summary, the whole month of September had been a busy one for the project staff. We spent our time implementing activities based on our project plan. The following had been accomplished for the month of September:

1. Two new staff members were employed. They are Pin Tara who replaced the Research Coordinator Loek Sothea, and Sok Kanra as Community Facilitator in Tean Pleung hub.

2. Infrastructure (solar panel and internet connection) at the HQ and three selected village hubs (Tean Pleung, KCM Choeung, and La’ak) had been completely installed in September 26. The installation was done in two stages: 1) solar panels were installed temporarily at the HQ and the two hubs (Tean Pleung and KCM Choeung). Internet was only connected in two more hubs in Sept 9; 2) the temporary solar panels were replaced by the Solar Company in September 26.

3. Election of the management committee members had been elected from the three communes. As a result of the election, 12 representatives coming from the three communes (including 6 women) were elected in the management committee. Preparations for the election of the Management Committee started as early as the first week of September. The PC went around the community meeting with the villagers, explaining the rationale of the formation of the Management Committee, the roles and responsibilities of the said committee and the election process.

The election was done after the community approved the Community By-Laws. The election process involved two steps:

1) selection of representatives for each hub at the village level

2) villagers elected candidates (who were the representatives at the village level) at the commune level.

Since there is a big population in the three communes, it was agreed that each commune will have equal number of voters to ensure fairness and equality. The PC explained the election process as indicated in the community by-laws. In order for a candidate to win, he/she should have a vote of 50%+1 and when it comes to gender, the ratio employed was either 2:1 or 3:1, meaning for every two/three seats, one should be a female. The election was facilitated by the project staff with the student-volunteers of Maharishi Vedic University assisting the staff.

4. KCM welcomed the visit of Maria Ng Lee Hon (IDRC) and Denis Roy (Office of the Auditor-General of Canada). On September 11, 2007, the KCM Pilot Project staff welcomed Maria Ng Lee Hon and Denis Roy, a representative from Canada’s Office of the Auditor-General together with Sean O’Siochru, Ms. Seng Theary of CSD and the Research Manager. The delegation was welcomed by the PC, who then introduced the whole staffs to the visitors. The PC also gave a backgrounder on the installation of the infrastructure and the election process of the management committee. The activity was highlighted by the groups visit to the two village hubs, KCM Choeung Hub and Tean Pleung Hub. In both hubs, the group was able to meet and interact with the newly-elected management committee members.

5. Two audio materials were produced and broadcasted. The materials were dubbed in 21 tapes and distributed to 11 pagodas in the three communes of Kamchai Mear. Two topics were produced and recorded into 21 tapes. There were still several topics that are lined up for production (water sanitation, brown plant hopper, pregnancy, and student enrolment. To ensure that materials had been played, the CDs (Content Developers) visit the pagoda during the broadcast day and see how the activity is being received by the villagers.

6. PC attended the IDRC All-Partners Forum as well as the NiDA Research Seminar. This month, the project coordinator was invited to attend in the IDRC All Partners Forum and in the presentation of research by NiDA. At the IDRC All Partners meeting, we were able to meet with other IDRC Partners and it was an opportunity for all of us to introduce ourselves and share experiences among the partners.

8. The project provided training on Internet and Email to community and students. More than 100 students registered and 0ver 60 students were trained both in HQ and Tean Pleung hub. The training was conducted by Mr. Hen Sokchea the Technical Support. We had a large turn out of students who registered with us all hoping to receive training on basic computer and internet use. Of the 100 students registered, 60 had already been trained both in the HQ and in Tean Pleung hub.

Despite the many accomplishments, our team also met several difficulties and the following are some of the difficulties we've encountered:

- We do not have a proper place for recording, thus, we could not produce a high quality recording of audio materials. The staff used the agriculture office of the MVU for recording, however, since it is not noise-free, the quality of our recording is bad.

- Limited production skills and experience of the Multi-media Coordinator (MC). We are currently in discussion on how to better the capacity of the MC to produce good quality materials for the community.

- The installation of the infrastructure took a bit longer than expected. Being newly-installed and alien to us, we could not manage it well yet. We are slowly familiarizing with the infrastructure for better management and development of services for the villagers in the coming days. It will take a long time for us to get used to it.

Despite the above-mentioned difficulties, September was good in terms of implementation of activities. Special mention to the election of the management committee. We are so happy about the results because we have seen full cooperation from the villagers and local authorities.

As a parting word or conclusion, our team is slowly getting to know each other as we basically are a complete team. We are getting to know and are adjusting to each staff's work style and attitude. We find it important to each other so that there is harmony and cooperation (teamwork) within the team and we could find a way to solve project issues together. No doubt, the commitment of each staff is there.

Now that the much-anticipated infrastructure is in place, the community is starting to see what the project is all about. They can access the services provided by our project. In our view, this is the first time that a project is providing services such as outs in the community. They are all excited even if only two hubs at this point in time are working.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Kep District Assembly

One of the big events that happened after the first i-REACH Project meeting was the district assembly in Kep. Since it was the first-ever assembly held in Damnak Chang'eur after so many years, the preparation was intense even the district Governor himself was involved in it. I, on my part, was a little bit nervous as I was in Phnom Penh for the meeting and I thought I should be in Damnak Chang'eur instead to lend a hand in the preparations. What added to my worries was the threat of monsoon rain. What if it rains and no one will come? Good thing that the rain stopped just before the meeting started. Good thing, too, that Gov. Tep Yuthy's staff were able to do everything that we planned out.

The district assembly was conducted at the same time that the i-REACH advisors had a field trip in Kep. The advisors who came were Sean O'Siochru, Cel Cadiz, Chat Ramilo and Pam Custodio. Mr. Chea Sok Huor was also there as the main guest and presenter and Dimanche from the Kamchai Mear Pilot, too, as I requested him to translate for the advisors.

The Ministry of Commerce representative, Mr. Tes Ethda was there along with the Kep Vice Governor which gave credence to the activity.

83 villagers attended the assembly, and they were composed of village and commune officials, farmers, fishermen, students, women, students, teachers and school directors, monks and achars (laypeople), police authorities, staff from different government line agencies as well as staff from other NGOs.

There were many speeches made. Governor Tep Yuthy welcomed the participants. He said that through this introductory meeting, the participants will learn about the project, its objectives, and benefits to the community. Kep Vice Governor Leng Loeung followed and in his speech, he thanked IDRC for choosing Kep as one of its pilot project areas. He talked about the low level of productivity in Kep and hopes that the project will help change that. Community development projects funded by international agencies are very rare in Kep and so he urged the participants to listen closely and take advantage of the benefits the project will bring.The third speaker to give welcome speech was His Excellency Tes Ethda, the representative from the Ministry of Commerce. He urged the people involved to be clarified of the nature of the project. He also mentioned that technology in Kep is still low and the people still use traditional methods. He also said that the problem is that people do not have the right market information, and so are not properly guided in their production.

The main man of that afternoon was i-REACH Project Manager Chea Sok Huor. Affable and gracefully natural when talking to common people, he easily charmed the crowd, especially the small group of women who were shy at first. He started his speech by translating iREACH to Khmer language and talked about one of its components, namely the Internet. Information, specifically on market prices, weather, techniques on rice production, etc., will be available through the Internet. He also cited the use of email (possible through Internet) as a way of communicating with other people inside and outside their community. He also told the participants that 3 centers or hubs will be selected in three locations/communes. These centers will receive Internet connection and community radio signal, and VoIP service. He also stressed that a committee should be formed with members selected by the community themselves to manage and oversee the services and other activities. He also said that community participation, especially women’s participation, is important because this IDRC project is aimed finding out how blended technologies, such as the ones he mentioned, can help in improving people’s livelihoods. Mr. Huor also mentioned that the district governor has provided rooms in the district office for the iREACH project to use as office. He ended his speech with a request to His Excellency Tes Ethda to give assistance in the renovation of the office building.

The crowd murmured, but it was difficult to ascertain whether the reaction was out of excitement or interest to the project or an expression of disinterest or that they did not understand at all?

So we encouraged the participants to ask us. There was a long silence, and the it was the Vice Governor of Kep who threw the first question. It served as a good lead as questions from the villagers came in. The following were the question and answers:

Question 1: Why Kep was chosen as the project site, how the staff will be recruited and who will be responsible for the equipment, and also about the sustainability of the project.
Answer: Mr. Huor explained that there was a set of criteria and Kep obviously came out fit to the criteria. The project has a capacity-building component. He said that in Kep there will be a pilot coordinator, radio manager, technical staff, etc. and they will provide training to the local people. He also mentioned that the project intends to recruit local people as staff and outsiders would only be considered if there is no qualified local person to do the work.

Question 2: I am interested to know more about the system of information and communication to be installed. Can you give us more information about it?
Answer: Citing Kamchai Mear pilot area as example, Mr. Huor said content developers will be recruited. This local content developers, guided by questions asked by the community, will assist them develop programs (for the community radio). The radio station has a scope of 10 km radius. The community computer/internet center locations will be selected by a committee, and that same committee that will oversee the communication system.

Question 3: Vegetable production in the area is unstable – sometimes it is too high that not everything can be sold, lowering their prices. Will the project then stabilize productivity in the locality?
Answer: Instability of vegetable production is due to the lack of market information to give producers bargaining power with the middlemen. The internet can help address this lack of market information. This will allow the people to access information not just from Phnom Penh but also from other parts of the world. Sean added how the quality of products can stabilize the farm gate prices of vegetable products. Dimanche added that schedule and timing of production are also important dimensions in improving the quality of vegetable produce. His Excellency Tes Ethda also added that a committee should (be formed and) coordinate with the centers to find out, for example, the price and variety of cassava or which crop is best suited in the market.

Question 4: Is there a post harvest technique that is appropriate for our produce?
Answer: Huor gave as an example sugarcane processing. The amount of production has to be based on the demand, which is information that can be gathered using the internet.

Question 5: How much rate (e.g. advertising) will the community radio charge? Will IDRC stop its support to the project?
Answer: The project will be implemented for three years, funded by IDRC. The cost of service charges will be set at an affordable rate, to be based on the advice of a committee from the community. IDRC is supporting this project to study how community life may be improved with the participation of the people in ICTs; to see how women’s participation may be improved; and to mainsteam ICT policies that favor poor communities. To make the project sustainable, the various ICT services will be costed, but only so that these may be sustained. It is also important that to set up an interim committee to advise the project toward its sustainability.

Question 6: Will all the equipments be pulled out after the duration of the project?
Answer: If the project and the community will be successful, the equipment will stay with the community. IDRC is interested in knowing the results of the project here. On the other hand, if there are still needs that arise at the end of three years, the project can ask for additional support from IDRC. Sean said that if the pilot here (in Kep) and in Kamchai Mear will succeed, the project management and advisers will try to persuade the government to do the same thing for the rest of Cambodia.

Question 7: Can you give us more information about ICT?
Answer: This is a new technology and a bit complicated to explain in just one sitting. Community centers will be put up in the future and the project and its components will be explained in great detail in succeeding meetings in your community. There will also be trainings as well.

There were other side topics, but equally important, that were discussed during the assembly. As there is still no electricity in the whole municipality of Kep, Governor Tep Yuthy assured that electricity will be in Kep by the end of the year. Electric posts and wires are currently being installed and it is expected that Kep will have power by the end of the year.

Over-all the assembly went well. Despite the threat of heavy rain, there were a total of 83 participants who arrived to listen and know about iREACH project. The participants were composed mostly of men. Although hesitant and shy at first, the participants showed interest in the project and asked questions. There were 15 women who participated, and through urgings from the audience, they stood up and participated in the open forum, and later overcame the initial shyness. ICT is a new concept for the participants especially in this remote town of Kep where the level of education and the level of technology awareness of the population is low. Although most have shown interest in the project, the challenge now lies in raising their knowledge, awareness and sustaining their interest not only in ICTs but in participation in the project in general.

Site Visit to Kep Pilot Area

Attendance: Seng Theary (CSD), Im Sophea (CSD), Hak Sokleap (Kep Radio Manager, CSD), Kim Dara (Kep Pilot Coordinator, CSD), Grant Helling (Gateway Communications), Rattanak (Gateway Communications), Che Viseth (Network Solutions), Seiha (Royal University of Agriculture intern), Nara (Royal University of Agriculture intern), Chea Sok Hour, and Zarah Almeida

The objectives of the activity was to do a site survey that will help both Gateway Communications and Network Solutions to address issues raised by Alberto regarding connectivity and for these companies to be able to submit a tender for consideration of iREACH. It is also for the newly-recruited staff of CSD, Hak Sokleap and Kim Dara, to be familiar with the area and to know the key people in the pilot site. Two students also joined the activity as part of their internship program at the Royal University of Agriculture. They are expected to create maps for the Kep pilot project.

Since the locations for the internet hubs/centers have not been identified yet, the group visited potential locations identified by CSD in their previous visit. The group’s first stop was the district office where iREACH project will be housed. We also visited potential sites in Chamka Bei village in Pong Tuek Commune, Tuol Srangam and Angkol villages in Angkol commune, Damnak Chambok and Ou Krasar villages in Ou Krasar commune. Apart from the site visit, the group also talked to the people in the places visited for more information about their villages and village life. The group also visited the municipal hall of Kep and studied the Minister of Commerce’s mansion which is one area needing Internet connection. The engineers from both companies took out their equipment, studied the potential areas in terms of distance from the headquarters and interferences (mountains), took pictures and jot down notes. It is expected that in two weeks time they will submit a proposal with comprehensive details of the results of their survey and justifying their respective budgets.

CSD Executive Director said that they will do a detailed renovation plan, which was requested by Damnak Chang’eur district governor Tep Yuthy during their previous meeting with him, soon. The governor asked for that plan because he needs idea in terms of design and costs to be able to find financial support for the renovation of the building. Also during the trip, CSD proposed to the Project Manager Mr. Chea Sok Huor that additional unit of motorcycle be provided to the team for more mobility and efficiency of staff travel to the target villages. Mr. Huor suggested that CSD submit a proposal to him and he’ll forward it to the donor.

As to the project staff, the Radio Manager will start to work in January 2007, while the Pilot Coordinator will start in February. The Research Manager suggested a meeting with CSD to update on the situation in Kep and revise existing plan of activities based on the current situation, as well as to draw the renovation plan needed by Governor Tep Yuthy. The agreed meeting date will be on the 2nd of January.

Monday, August 20, 2007

August Update from KCM Pilot

Good morning from KCM,

This is Dimanche again, the Pilot Coordinator for Kamchai Mear. I would like to keep all of you up to date about KCM pilot, as right now, we have some project results to present to you all:

1. Building renovation: The renovation of iREACH HQ building is now 90% complete and we are hoping that we (the staff) will be able to move to the new building this week.

2. Antenna Installation: The internet antenna for the village hubs was installed and today, we are expecting the installation of the antenna for 4 hubs will be completed. Currently, only the Tean Pleung hub is functional with internet signal while the three are waiting for the necessary equipments from Gateway.

3. Community By-Law: the first draft of the community statutes and by-law was already finished weeks before. The presentation-workshop was held last Friday, August 20 with 109 participants coming from the three target communes (88 participants with 25 women, 2 local authorities and MVU students). The workshop was aimed at presenting to the community the statutes and by-laws drafted by the Interim Committee members and to get its feedback and approval. The response of the community was enthusiastic, commenting on various parts and ultimately voted for its approval.

4. Multimedia: The multimedia team were working hard to develop the content for broadcast. This month, the team were researching their topics, interview resource persons and just last week, they were already editing the story for its first pagoda broadcast.

5. Research: The Reserch Coordinator Loek Sothea finished all of his work assignments last Friday. He's going to work for another organization and before leaving, he returned all iREACH things that was given to him and also endorsed to the PC all the documents that he had completed and that are still in draft. We wish him good luck as he take on a new job.

6. The newly-recruited Community Facilitators (CFs) were supposed to be given basic computer and internet training before starting to work with iREACH. However, some of the CFs could not work for us so that means the training will be postponed until we have recruited new CFs.

7. Last week, the KCM management team (I and Mr. Vannaro) met with the Technical Support and accompanied him to the village hubs where he will be working and also to discuss more on his employment details. The Technical Support was interviewed at the central HQ in PP by the Project Manager Mr. Chea Sok Huor, the Research Manager, Kep PC Hak Sokleap, I and the Team Leader of PAN-Cambodia Project. After his interviewed he was contacted to meet with us (Mr. Vannaro and I) for management discussion. He agreed to work with us and he started last August 16.

We also had a meeting between KCM KEP and Central for the preparation for the big September event. During the meeting we discussed which activities do we need to do for the visit and how do we encourage our staff to be more committed to the project to achieve success in the project implementation.

These are all the events that had happened over here in Kamchai Mear... We hope to receive feedback from you all.

With my best regards,