Thursday, February 21, 2008

How iREACH can empower local woman?

I am so happy when I see local woman can work the same as man.
I used to see only man operated the live show at our HQ but today (18 Feb) I see woman can be an operator while she is reading.. wow!!!!!!

Before she work with iREACH, she know nothing about radio production but now pls look at her action in this picture.

SEE, HOW iREACH can build the capacity for local woman!!!!!

a small note from Sokleap!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feedback survey on audio broadcasting in pagoda on every holy day

At the beginning of project, a baseline and need assessment survey was conducted in the three target commune of project such as Smoang Thbong, Smoang Cheang and Kronhong. A now, the project was produced many audio production related with agriculture, education and health and broadcasted into the community by loudspeaker in 11 pagodas located in target commune of project in Kamchai Mear District. So on, the project want to know the result of audio broadcasted in pagodas was conduct the survey to get feedback from the community for improve broadcasting method. The purpose of this survey was to identify the best method for broadcast, adaptation of audio broadcasted in pagoda, community’s material for get information and percent of farmer to recognize the project. The results of this study will help to the project staff to identifying the best method in the future for broadcast the project production into the community following to the objective of the project.

This survey was conducted in three target commune of project in Kamchai Mear district, Prey Veng province - Smoang Thbong, Smoang Cheang and Kronhong. In doing in this research, 110 households in the community were individually interviewed face to face surround of 11 pagodas (10 household per pagoda). The survey activities consist of survey planning, data collection training, data collection, data entry, data analysis and report writing. The survey was conducted in November, 2007.

Questionnaire was developed base on the farmer adaption of audio production that we broadcasted in 11 of pagodas located in the target commune of the project. Research coordinator and content developer contributed significantly to developing this questionnaire which was verify corrected by project director and project coordinator before conducting this survey. Moreover, the questionnaire was developed to be as simple as possible so as to reduce errors during data collection and recording, and to ensure all questions could be easily understood by both of interviewer and respondents.

The collected data was checked thoroughly and then entered directly to SPSS packages by the data entry team consisting of the research coordinator and one content developer. This task was completed on the week after data collection. This survey was analyzed by SPSS (Statistic Package of Social and Science) and Excel packages. Frequency, descriptive statistics, and cross tabulation procedures were used to produce the outputs of the data survey. The outputs of data analysis were converted into the form of tables and graphics, so that they can be easily interpreted.

As the results of feedback survey on audio broadcasting showed that: very separate between the numbers of people who known and unknown the iREACH project. More than 88 percent didn’t know the project because of project didn’t promote all of activities everywhere of the priority project area. Moreover, for the audio production was produced many audio such as iREACH belong to community, water sanitation and dengue fever for broadcasting into the community but now we broadcasting through the pagoda in every holy day didn’t enough for community to get this information. Total 60.91% didn’t have the audio information of the project and 39.09% only got this information but not clear. Moreover, a little household located surround of the pagoda and many household located far from the pagoda so we could be improve of our broadcasting into all area of our priority project by another method including video spot, note or poster...etc.

In addition, all iREACH’s project staff must be set up the activities plan for actively promotion about the iREACH project to community. Especial must conduct campaign to all target area of the project and in the capital town and producing the other program to promote the local people to participate in the project. Moreover, we should be develop the newsletter of the project objective, project goad and project activities in present and future for broadcasting into the priority area of the project. In addition, we should be communicating with whole authority in the area of project such as village and commune chief to explain them about our project activities for develop their household because they can provide these information to another peoples living in the community.

Best regards

Pin Tara
Research Coordinator

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Feedback Workshop on Baseline and Need Assessment Result

Good Moring Lady and Gentle Men. Very sorry for didn't blog along time because I don't understand with this. First time, I want to introduce myself in the iREACH Project Blog to know and welcome. My name is Pin Tara, a research coordinator of iREACH pilot project in Kamchai Mear district, Prey Veng province. Everybody can call me “Mr. Star” (Sorry just joking).

In first week on Thursday January 02nd, 2008, Kamchai Mear team of iREACH project has performed the workshop on “baseline report and need assessment of CHAMROEUNVITYEA CHUNBORT Community of Kamchai Mear District” at new office located in central of Kamchai Mear district hall. There are 31 (05 females) participants attended in this workshop came from Maharishi Vedic University (MVU), Education Office (EO), Agriculture Office (AO), Public Health Hospital (PHH), High School (HS), PRASAC, Management Committee Member (MCM), and Chief of Kronhong, Smoang Chheng and Smoang Thbong commune. This workshop presided by Mr. Pin Vannaro is a Project Director and facilitated by Mr. Pin Tara is a Research Coordinator of pilot project in Kamchai Mear district. The objective of workshop is to gathering and capturing feedback from community and strategy partner on the data of baseline survey and need assessment was conducted by the iREACH project.

This workshop is mainly focused on baseline survey and need assessment report was prepared by the project to get feedback from strategy partner for complete with these documentations. This workshop also discuss on actual problem in community on agriculture, education and health (identify problem and solution); difficulty for transfer information to the community; and current priority needing of information for developing their community are easy for contend developer to broadcast information to the real community.

As a result, the actual problems in current community are: animal disease (foot, indigestion, diarrhea..), chicken disease (influenza…), low of rice yield (lake of technologies…), insect damage (leaf folder, inchworm, stream borer, grass hopper, brown plant hopper…), lack of alimentation, lack of sanitation, limit of knowledge, lake of health service, miserable, Immigration, and distance from school to home. Moreover, strategy partner was provided feedback and comments to edit some data such as the number of non enrolled children from 6-12 years of age, percentage of community rent rice thresher, household type, name of organization, percentage of home gardening, draft animal use, requirement of information … etc.

The workshop was run smoothly under facilitation and presentation by Research Coordinator and with strong involvement of multimedia team. The workshop was under overall coordination of Project Director. This workshop was finished on time and following to the agenda and time frame and this workshop is successfully due to taking care of the both of facilitator and strategy partner.

Best regards

Pin Tara
Research Coordinator

Monday, February 4, 2008

Brief information from KCM

Dear everyone, sorry for late to post this information to you all.

ICTs Infrastructure: For January 2008, the TS of the KCM pilot seek and test some software for video conference such as ACCESSGRID and NetOP School. As the result of testing, the ACCESSGRID software did not work well with our network because of this software were not support to Window Vista and most of our project computer are Window Vista basic. For NetOP School, its seemed work well with Window Vista but for the first testing it doesn’t work well and this is under finding result of TS. By the way, after testing these software the TS found that some part of our network especially Antenna at Hub not perform work well, and he had sent this problem to Gateway.
Research Activity: For research activities in this month, the RC spent much of his time in documenting (minute and report writing of meeting and training); preparing community profile and this community profile just complete about 40%. Beside of documenting, the RC conducted a feedback workshop to strategic partner on baseline and needs assessment result. After this workshop, we got some requests to correct the data by comparing to the national figure. The iREACH notes production and distribution were done by RC, those iREACH notes are radish and watermelon planting method.
Content Development: Until the end of January, the multimedia team still misses the MC which gives a heavy hand to CDs to ensure the activities of content development get success. In aiming to develop the content for community, CDs work closely with management committee in identifies the topic for audio production and produces the material for community. 4 audio productions were produced and recorded to cassette for distribute to pagoda, beside of audio production, the CDs committed to produce the video clip on school enrollment which played by community. The Video clip were produced with collaboration of CDs, PC and management committee and used the local resources.
Service Accessing and ICTs Training for Community: January is the month that many people access to the internet both in HQ and Hub especially in HQ by students. Base on the report of the CFs at Hub level still mostly focus on computer training to students except HQ which postpone the training, but we also found that it’s the first time that elder people came to our hub and try to type their name. There are 3 elder people come to our hub in Prey Phlorng to type their name and exited what they see in computer. Even this point occur but we still get feedback that the elder willing to persuade their children to access to our hub.
Project Staff and Management Committee Meeting: this month the project staff meeting have been done as normal, beside of discussion on the result of project activities, all CFs were provided the awareness of a whole project picture. On January 31, 2008 the management committee meeting was organized and facilitated by Mrs. Vong Kannareth Chairwomen of community and this is the first time for committee to lead the meeting. This is a way that we can give hand to community to drive their own community by themselves through delegate one by one task to them. With this process the capacities building also included to guarantee the smooth running of project activities.
Attending meeting and Workshop: Regarding to the plan, the 4th meeting of the project staff have to be held in January. This meeting were attended by all project staffs in both location and this is the first time that all CFs, CDs, RC, MC and PC meeting together with the representative from the center who have PM, RM, Admin and Financial officer. During the meeting we also revise our plan from February to April, discus on visioning workshop preparation, and preparation for launching project at the end of April 2008.

Best Regards,

Friday, February 1, 2008

Not good for internet connectivity

This week, the internet connectivity is not good (stable) even Sophin tried the best... Pls look at hi...

The reason, maybe cecause of the weather...many cloud...
I post this insteat of Sophin because he did not invited yet to the blogger. Zarah, could you pls invite hime.
Best wish,