Monday, February 4, 2008

Brief information from KCM

Dear everyone, sorry for late to post this information to you all.

ICTs Infrastructure: For January 2008, the TS of the KCM pilot seek and test some software for video conference such as ACCESSGRID and NetOP School. As the result of testing, the ACCESSGRID software did not work well with our network because of this software were not support to Window Vista and most of our project computer are Window Vista basic. For NetOP School, its seemed work well with Window Vista but for the first testing it doesn’t work well and this is under finding result of TS. By the way, after testing these software the TS found that some part of our network especially Antenna at Hub not perform work well, and he had sent this problem to Gateway.
Research Activity: For research activities in this month, the RC spent much of his time in documenting (minute and report writing of meeting and training); preparing community profile and this community profile just complete about 40%. Beside of documenting, the RC conducted a feedback workshop to strategic partner on baseline and needs assessment result. After this workshop, we got some requests to correct the data by comparing to the national figure. The iREACH notes production and distribution were done by RC, those iREACH notes are radish and watermelon planting method.
Content Development: Until the end of January, the multimedia team still misses the MC which gives a heavy hand to CDs to ensure the activities of content development get success. In aiming to develop the content for community, CDs work closely with management committee in identifies the topic for audio production and produces the material for community. 4 audio productions were produced and recorded to cassette for distribute to pagoda, beside of audio production, the CDs committed to produce the video clip on school enrollment which played by community. The Video clip were produced with collaboration of CDs, PC and management committee and used the local resources.
Service Accessing and ICTs Training for Community: January is the month that many people access to the internet both in HQ and Hub especially in HQ by students. Base on the report of the CFs at Hub level still mostly focus on computer training to students except HQ which postpone the training, but we also found that it’s the first time that elder people came to our hub and try to type their name. There are 3 elder people come to our hub in Prey Phlorng to type their name and exited what they see in computer. Even this point occur but we still get feedback that the elder willing to persuade their children to access to our hub.
Project Staff and Management Committee Meeting: this month the project staff meeting have been done as normal, beside of discussion on the result of project activities, all CFs were provided the awareness of a whole project picture. On January 31, 2008 the management committee meeting was organized and facilitated by Mrs. Vong Kannareth Chairwomen of community and this is the first time for committee to lead the meeting. This is a way that we can give hand to community to drive their own community by themselves through delegate one by one task to them. With this process the capacities building also included to guarantee the smooth running of project activities.
Attending meeting and Workshop: Regarding to the plan, the 4th meeting of the project staff have to be held in January. This meeting were attended by all project staffs in both location and this is the first time that all CFs, CDs, RC, MC and PC meeting together with the representative from the center who have PM, RM, Admin and Financial officer. During the meeting we also revise our plan from February to April, discus on visioning workshop preparation, and preparation for launching project at the end of April 2008.

Best Regards,

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