Dear all,
Could you please have a look attached pictures of what iREACH Kep is fantastic at Kep Trade Fair which organized by MoC from 26-27th of December 2009.
Just the first day there are 2,575 people at the iREACH booth, including 1,163 women which representing:
1. 25 people were using internet;
2. 110 people were asking information about iREACH;
3. 200 children were using XO laptop; and
4. 2,240 people were looking to the iREACH booth
Pls note that the purpose why we are at the fair is to let Cambodian people who comes from difference provinces, especially PNH people and people comes from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia that Kep people is about (e-people?).
Thank you Mr. Huor for approving to have such this fantastic opportunity and thank you everyone for working hard at the fair.
However, I’d like to say good bye and happy new year!
Future contact, pls send me to or or by mobile phone.
All the best from Kep,
Hak Sokleap
Pilot Coordinator
iREACH Kep Pilot Project
Informatics for Rural Empowerment and Community Health (iREACH)
No. 141, Street 04, Toul Sangke, Russei Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Mobile: (855) 12.831.264
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Posted by Sokleap at 11:09 AM 10 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
1. iREACH the Unreached! Pls link to:;
2. How iREACH has contributed to local communities! Pls link to:
Posted by Sokleap at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
iREACH acheivement from RGC
Dear all,
I would like to share our congratulation for our Project Manager in the occassion that the Roral Government of Cambodia were recognized his work especially iREACH and offer the Mohasena Medal formally within the inauguration of the project and fish day in Kamchay Mear on Septermber 10, 2009.
Posted by DIMANCHE at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
On the way to Community Self Management
Dear All,
I would like to share with you the progress of KCM management committee involving the iREACH activities especially in term of Management. One day workshop among iREACH staffs and Management committee to conduct the SWOT analysis on the daily work of iREACH in community both at Hubs level and HQ. After they finished the SWOT analysis the RC included the problem tree to go indeep of each problem and finding the solution and approach for implement to be better and sustainable. For the report of SWOT analysis of iREACH implementation report we can offer in case of you need it!
Posted by DIMANCHE at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Some Picture of Children playing with XO
Dear all,
I would like to share with you some picture of children in community playing with XO of some Hubs.
By Mr. Pich Ratha, CF in Pong Ro Hub.
By Mr. Chea Valeak the Technical Assistant, children playing XO at Kamchay Mear Cheung Hub.
By Mr. Chea Valeak the Technical Assistant, children playing XO at Tean Pleung Hub.
Posted by DIMANCHE at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Enjoying of XO
Dear all,
How are you doing? Hmm.. sound so quiet from KCM site on this blog because of we too much busy at community level and also some university work which need iREACH to support. But from now on we are back to this blog and now I would share with you all about how XO going on?
On July 21-24, the KCM's project staff included some Management committee members and volunteer from Chea Sim University of Kamchay Mear were attended training on XO laptop by Mr. Phillip. Within 4 days training I found that they're all enjoyed, sharing each other and self explore many thing about XO, especially the members of management committee whom attend this training (you can see in the picture).
After completely trained by Mr. Phillip, also the XO laptop were distribute to all Nine Hubs and HQ for children in community to access and explore about new technology. This is an additional task for our CFs in village hub to manage and support to the childen in community and this also an opportunity for them to improve their management, facilitation skills and self-confindent (build their own responsibility). Each CF has to come and get the XO from HQ and look through everything before take to their hubs (They have meeting to set the rule for XO using for all Hubs, format for recording, responsibility of CF for XO).
On August 3rd, 2009 all Hubs and HQ were input XO for children in community to access and explore after one week registration according to the criteria set by management committee. In KCM we (Project and Management Committee) decided to make input 5 XOs for each hubs based in 8 hubs and 10 Xos for Prey Phlorng hub and one School based in Kamchay Mear Cheung with 20 XOs and the rest is put in HQ. In the picture you can see how children enjoy, explore and share each other.
L. Dimanche
Posted by DIMANCHE at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Policy Mainstreaming!
On of the strategies for iREACH Kep policy mainstreaming at district level had been taken into account by the 1st ICT workshop had been conducted on August 18, 2009 at HQ. There are 10 district council (DC) members attended the workshop.
It was a short training workshop but it is very useful for policy strategy because members of district council were really joining and exploring new technology such as searching information over the internet and communicating via Skype. One of the district council members had expressed his willing to include iREACH in the 2010 district council plan.
Due to the request from district council members, iREACH Kep will willing to train the-five-secretary of DC in term of gaining ICT skill.
Posted by Sokleap at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hub based OX laptop education is being exploring and experimenting by Kep community children at the iREACH target area. The program was opened on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 for each hub. There are about 30 children at each come everyday. So totally, there are about 300 children for 10 hubs.
Let see in the next three months how this community children will gain knowledge on XO laptop!!!
Posted by Sokleap at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
XO laptop which donated by OLPC is ready for Kep community children!Sokleap
XO laptop which donated by OLPC is ready for Kep community children!
It was very interesting training course on XO laptop which provided by Philipp Kocher. The training was held at Kep iREACH HQ from July 13 to 17, 2009. All staffs at Kep very enjoyed with this exploring and experimenting training course to gain their knowledge before they are ready to guide the children soon.
Let see in the next three months how this community children will gain knowledge on XO laptop.
Posted by Sokleap at 11:33 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
What does work and what does not work On Kep iREACH Management Committee (MC) Election 1. Background Why does Kep iREACH need Management Committee (MC)? One of the main project objectives is to pilot-test a community-driven system of blended technologies in support of services, applications and content identified by the communities as contributing to social, economic and cultural development. The project staff has also introduced to community members that iREACH belong to community. The MC is a key element in achieving this objective. Generally, there were two main steps before having MC, including the Interim Committee (IC) and MC election steps. The following detail steps were followed before, during, and after the establishment of the MC:1. Project introduction to community, including village/commune leaders and commune council 2. Project discussion with key community members to find out what the project management structure should be. The community agreed that they needed an MC, By-Laws, and an Interim Committee (IC) before the MC should be formed. 3. Project discussions with key community members to set up the IC election rules and processes 4. Candidate registration and election campaign for IC 5. IC members election Day (4-10 April 2007) at the village level6. Chair, vice-chair and assistant election for IC7. On-going training to the IC members 8. Others Community By-Laws searching 9. iREACH By-Laws development (this took 3 months)10. Candidate registration and election campaign for MC 11. MC members election day at village level (1-8 September 2007)12. MC members got to know each other and to work together for at least 2 months before the chair, vice-chair, accountant, and assistant elections. 2. What Does WorkA) IC Election Process The election was a three-stage process. In the first step, all villagers were eligible to vote for village representatives and to stand as candidates. There were 20 altogether – one male and one female from each of nine villages, and one representative from each of the remaining two villages in the district. The second stage took place at the district level, where only the elected village representatives were eligible to vote and stand as candidates. This step elected 12 committee members representing each of the three communes in the district (four from each commune). In the third step, the chair and vice-chair were elected by and from the 12 committee members. . The pilot co-ordinator was also a voting member of the interim committee, so the committee had 13 members. Note: Election Day for IC (4-10 April 200): The project staff posted the candidate requirements, on the flipcharts. Staff then explained the process of election by using loudspeakers to the villagers who came to elect their representatives to the . Criteria to be a candidate of the Interim Committee:1. Have general knowledge 2. Can write (Khmer)3. Can read (Khmer)4. Have time to work 5. Strong commitment 6. Working hard 7. Should be active person 8. Have work experience in any sector 9. Have facilitation skill is good 10. To work as a volunteer11. To be honest/non partial 12. Have good communication 13. Have facility for traveling14. Chosen through election Benefit1. Will get knowledge and experience on ICT 2. Will become well known in the community 3. To be a active person in developing the community4. Gain more understanding of community development5. Access to information and experience sharing MandateThe committee will not serve more than 3 months and will be dissolved when the Management Committee is elected Note for candidates: 1. There was no promise that members of the interim committee would be elected to the Management Committee automatically, because it would depend on the new election.,However they were eligible to be candidates during the permanent committee election. 2. The criteria above were set in collaboration between the commune meeting and iREACH.3. Villagers could vote for only one candidate. The votes were then counted and the elected members were announced (one man, one woman). Then the elected members thanked the voters and made a commitment statement to the voters (villagers). B) MC election process The election was a two-stage process. In the first step all villagers were eligible to vote for 13 village representatives, one each from 9 villages, and two representatives (one male and one female) from each of the remaining two villages in the district. The second stage took place at the district level, where only the elected village representatives were eligible to vote and stand as candidates for the positions of chair, vice-chair, and accountant. The pilot co-ordinator is also a non-voting member of the management committee, so the committee has 14 members. There is 40% of Management Committee members woman. Please note that the process at the MC election day was most the same process at the IC election day; and the following steps were followed for the MC election process, which took 3 months: a) Candidate Announcement (3rd week of August 2007). The strategy for announcement was included word of mouse, house to house by IC members, village leaders, village assistant, commune leaders and commune council; and by project staff via loudspeakersb) An election campaign by the candidate (3rd-4tt week of August 2007) c) An election day (1-8 September 2007) for MC members d) MC members get to know each other and work together (9 September-1 November 2007)e) An election day (2 Nov.2007) for chair, vice-chair, assistant and accountant. Note: Criteria to be a candidate of Management Committee (MC)15. To be at least 18 year, including both women and men 16. To have a good reputation 17. To be able read and write (Khmer)18. To work as volunteer 19. To be a resident in the village 20. To be well known21. To be honest/non partial22. To not be a monk 23. To have good health 24. IC members can be candidates if they like to apply 25. Woman are encouraged Generally, staff and community members were satisfied with the whole election process at the village level for both tie IC and the MC elections. 3. What Does Not Work For IC:The election was a three-stage process. In the second step, only the 20 elected village representatives were eligible to vote in order to elect 12 IC members.. Based on that experience, we are not recommending an election where only the elected members at the district level can vote, because you could see the disappointment in candidates who failed at this level, even if she/he was the top candidate elected by her/his community members. The third step, where the 12 elected committee members representing each of the three communes in the district voted for the positions of chair, vice-chair and assistant took place too early. We recommend that you do not have an election for these positions until the elected members know each other well. They should have time get to know each other and work together, rather than voting for a candidate they do not know very well. 4. Conclusion To select one representative at the village level is a better model than selecting two representatives (one man and one woman), as one of them will not be elected (voted down) at the district level. In conclusion, it was a fantastic election of the Kep iREACH Interim Committee at the village level, but not at the district level. The MC election process was better. 5. Lesson Learned
The election for IC at village level was the best.
The election for IC at the district level was not good, but an opportunity to learn. This method is not recommended
We learned from what we did at the IC election, both good and not good. We then applied this experience to improve the MC election.
Picture of Interim and M Cs election
Posted by Sokleap at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hi all,
I am Sokleap, PC at Kep iREACH. Yesterday I saw Sopheak who was just promoted as a Technical Assistant, replacing Sophin who was the former Technical Support recruited from Phnom Penh, was working hard with looking like he could deal the problem of internet connection. IT IS VERY GOOD FOR iREACH AND FOR COMMUNITY because he is a sun of community members that can take over responsibility such this job. He has done the progress for maintenance and improving ICT infrastructure.
I am happy instead of community.
All the best from Kep.
Posted by Sokleap at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
एक्सचेंज विसित फॉर कम्युनिटी
Kep iREACH MC members express that it is very good to have an exchang visit to KCM on 5-7 Jan. 2009. Pls see a group photo of iREACH MC members (Kep & KCM). Do more latter.
Posted by Sokleap at 5:45 PM 0 comments
One of the wonderful activities of CSD is making a beautiful flower at HQ. This was happened on the staff retreat of CSD to Kep and Kompot from 19-21 December 19-22 2008. Participants are including CSD staff in PNH, CSD staff in Kep (iREACH) and district officers (pls see some picture). That is a great team spirit activity.
Posted by Sokleap at 5:30 PM 1 comments