Friday, August 21, 2009

Enjoying of XO

Dear all,

How are you doing? Hmm.. sound so quiet from KCM site on this blog because of we too much busy at community level and also some university work which need iREACH to support. But from now on we are back to this blog and now I would share with you all about how XO going on?

On July 21-24, the KCM's project staff included some Management committee members and volunteer from Chea Sim University of Kamchay Mear were attended training on XO laptop by Mr. Phillip. Within 4 days training I found that they're all enjoyed, sharing each other and self explore many thing about XO, especially the members of management committee whom attend this training (you can see in the picture).

After completely trained by Mr. Phillip, also the XO laptop were distribute to all Nine Hubs and HQ for children in community to access and explore about new technology. This is an additional task for our CFs in village hub to manage and support to the childen in community and this also an opportunity for them to improve their management, facilitation skills and self-confindent (build their own responsibility). Each CF has to come and get the XO from HQ and look through everything before take to their hubs (They have meeting to set the rule for XO using for all Hubs, format for recording, responsibility of CF for XO).

On August 3rd, 2009 all Hubs and HQ were input XO for children in community to access and explore after one week registration according to the criteria set by management committee. In KCM we (Project and Management Committee) decided to make input 5 XOs for each hubs based in 8 hubs and 10 Xos for Prey Phlorng hub and one School based in Kamchay Mear Cheung with 20 XOs and the rest is put in HQ. In the picture you can see how children enjoy, explore and share each other.


L. Dimanche

1 comment:

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